Everyone loves a good tip of create a blog,and use keyword search engine right? Here are 44 tips use keyword quick tips for search engine optimization.
- Keyword in the domain name – For example “banking” keyword will be always be ranked better for a website like bankingdrama.com
- Keyword in the Website URL
- Keywords in header h1, h2 or h3 of the page.
- Keyword in the title of the page.
- Keyword present in alt text of the images.
- Keyword in meta description
- Keyword present in meta keywords (Not too important these days)
- Keyword present in Body of texts.
- Position of keywords in page. I.e. if it lies in the upper half of the page it will be having more SEO value.
- Having links which are related to the content of the page. (For example related articles plugin in wordpress which brings links of the pages related to the page have a positive impact)
- Keywords in links of pages that is anchor text having keywords.
- Broken links on the website (Negative impact)
- Any pages on your website should be reachable within maximum 4 clicks.
- Limit the total number of links on any page to 100. If not possible you can have more links but not more than 300.
- Linking to outgoing links having high page rank or value is good.
- Linking to outgoing links having low page rank or value is bad.
- Linking to outgoing links which are unrelated to the content is bad (For example Google will not like Swimsuit.com on mobile.com)
- Domain name booked for a higher period of time is good. Book a domain name for atleast 5 years.
- Older domains have better SEO score.
- Domain name extension related to the country have better seo score.( .in domain will score better in India)
- Faster load time of the webpage is good.
- Page rank of the website.
- Duplicate content or content copied from elsewhere a strict no no.
- How often the website is updated. Frequently updated are loved by Google.
- Variation of the keyword on page. beat, beaten etc.
- Links pointing to your website with related content.
- Anchor text for backlinks.
- Page ranks of the backlinks.
- Age of the backlink.
- Image name containing the keyword will be better
- Instead of space on image name or file name use
- Having bad words on web page a bad score.
- Keyword stuffing is prohibited. Keyword percentage should not be more than 4%.
- broken links on website a bad thing
- static URL better than dynamic URL
- How often your page is clicked when shown in search result
- How much time a visitor spends after coming to your website
- Hosting server downtime will fook you in Google war
- Past record of the domain
- Creation of new pages on a website! Very Good
- Is keyword related to the subject matter of the web page
- Avoid 301 redirect on any webpage of the website
- Validated HTML quite good
- Number of pages in website. That’s why large websites having little content always push you below in SEO rankings. Information provider:(merabheja.com)